Hi Everyone,
Adam will be undergoing a procedure tomorrow to take a sample of his bone marrow, followed by a body scan on Friday. Both of these will require sedation. After the bone marrow procedure, he’ll get an injection needed for Friday’s scan, so it will be a long day involving no food prior to procedure. His appetite is strong, so he won’t be happy.
Next week he will have an MRI done, and hopefully these three procedures will give us a clear picture of whether or not there is any cancer left in his body.
Thank you all for your continued prayer.
Lord, we say no more cancer! Grace the Dewey’s and all the family!
it’s the close of day on the 23rd here on the east coast…
do you feel the prayers coming your way from our time zone?
Trusting in our Lord and Savior to bring you all Good News.
Sending love…always, N (+J)
Sending heaps of love and prayers to you for these next days of procedures. ♥️♥️♥️
Will be praying for Adam and his family. May God be in the midst.
oh my dear Jesus…we have waited for this day for YOU to say
Adam is ALL clear of that insidious cancer…and we REJOICE…
the day has come when we can truly celebrate Your Providence
and answer to our prayers to preserve our precious brave little
Adam….we bend our knees in gratitude for Your Grace in giving
Mark and Hannah the strength to message Your Love through
this great trial and we’re humbled…that You have heard ALL
our prayers to heal Adam 1000%… Praise You Lord Jesus…
Hugs, prayers and positive vibes to you.
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for all of you as tomorrow is big day.